Jenna creating at desk.

This is me in my room used for many things, one of which is art.

Welcome to my website. My name is Jenna Ricketts, and I am glad you are here.

I started my career as a graphic designer, specializing in magazine design. I took over a decade off and taught homeschool. It was then that I found a new passion for learning ANYTHING and revived an old love for art.

God gave me a creative spirit which permeates everything I do, so I am on a journey of exploration. What He has in store for me is unfolding, and I am happy to share the results with you.

My site is under development, so come back soon and see the new things I have in the works. If you would like to connect or feature any of my work, drop me a note.

β€œTo develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

Leonardo da Vinci